Wheel sizes and circumference

Posted On: feb 12, 2025

Categories: General , Mechanics

Wheel sizes and circumference table for bicycle wheels. You can use them to configure your bicycle computer or your ebike.

Tire SizeERTRO     
Circumference (mm)
700 x 23C23-6222096
700 x 25C25-6222109
700 x 28C28-6222127
700 x 30C30-6222140
700 x 32C32-6222152
700 x 35C35-6222171
700 x 38C38-6222190
700 x 40C40-6222203
700 x 44C44-6222230
700 x 45C45-6222234
700 x 47C47-6222247
700 x 50C50-6222265
650 x 23C23-5711944
650 x 35A37-5902090
650 x 38B40-5842105
650 x 38A40-5902125
20" x 1.25"32-4061450
20" x 1.50"40-4061490
20" x 1.75"47-4061515
20" x 1.95"50-4061565
20" x 1-1/8"28-4511545
20" x 1-3/8"37-4511615
24" x 1.75"47-5071890
24" x 2.00"50-5071925
24" x 2.125"54-5071965
26" x 1.25"32-5591950
26" x 1.50"40-5592010
26" x 1.75"47-5592023
26" x 1.95"50-5592050
26" x 2.00"52-5592055
26" x 2.1"54-5592068
26" x 2.125"57-5592070
26" x 2.35"58-5592083
26" x 3.00"75-5592170
26" x 1-1.0"25-5591913
26" x 1"25-5711952
26" x 1-1/8"28-5901970
27.5"/ 650B x 1.95"50-5842090
27.5" / 650B x 2.10"54-5842148
27.5" / 650B x 2.25"57-5842182
27.5" / 650B x 2.3"58-5842199
27.5" / 650B x 2.35"60-5842207
27.5" / 650B x 2.4"61-5842213
27.5" / 650B x 2.5"64-5842231
27.5" / 650B x 2.6"66-5842247
27.5" / 650B x 2.8"71-5842279
29" x 2.1"54-6222286
29" x 2.2"56-6222302
29" x 2.25"57-6222310
29" x 2.3"58-6222326
29" x 2.35"60-6222326
29" x 2.4"61-6222333
29" x 2.5"64-6222350
29" x 2.6"66-6222366

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